Posts tagged "Slimming"

Is Taking Slimming Pills Dangerous?

We all believe the best method for good weight loss is following a healthy dieting plan along with regular exercising on a daily basis, this is pretty much the fundamentals of successful weight loss. However for some people, relying on these basic methods is not enough to produce good results, for example people who are obese need to go much further in order to see results.

This is why they look for other options for weight loss and one common aid people use towards weight loss are supplements, people will sometimes combine diet pills, dieting and exercising for good effective results. But keep in mind that not all slimming pills are created equal, some are legitimate with clinical backing whilst others are useless, in worst cases they may damage your health.

Usually the value of any diet pills depends on the quality of the product. So it’s recommended that you dig around to find out more information about the slimming pills you want to make sure that you aren’t considering an ineffective slimming pill that may work against you. And a good signs of determining the credentials of a slimming pill is customer testimonials, because you find out how it worked for others.

So don’t get caught up with the hype with every new slimming pill promising effective weight loss, its normal human behaviour in terms of the need to fix problems ASAP especially people who are over weight, as they naturally desire an immediate solution to lose weight. A lot of people typically younger women, are under the impression of weight loss being easier with slimming pills.

The people who use slimming pills feel they have more control. However in reality, that’s not the case. In fact, now people have increased the intake of prescribed pills for faster weight loss. It’s not a bad thing to take slimming pills, but they should be the last resort if you struggle due to being grossly overweight and need to start losing weight to avoid dangerous health risks like diabetes and heart disease.

Dieticians and doctors agree that slimming pills do in fact help people lose weight. But, it’s the developing trend which the general public feel suspicious towards these pills because they may have some side effects. There some pills, if you take them without prescription can be very risky. It’s important to find out whether pills will have a good or bad effective due to your body condition.

The most popular slimming pills are Reductil, Xenical. These pills aren’t available in stores, you can only get these pills through proper prescription. The Xenical pill works as a fat blocker, so your body takes in less amount of fat. And the Reductil pill is very effective, however Reductil is recommended to be used by people who are struggling with weight loss due to being severely overweight or obese.

The pills mentioned above can be effective if you qualify to use them. But keep in mind that these aren’t magical pills. They won’t reduce your weight the next day. You can expect to see results after months or even years. Like I mentioned before slimming pills may or may not work for you. So, before you buy slimming pills, consult your doctor to see if they are suitable for you.

The Xenical slimming pills is known to have side effects, while these effects are gentle and preventable. But people commonly experience sudden bowel movement, oily stools, and repeated bowel movements. Other popular slimming pills on the market is Alli, if you take the pills and don’t follow the alli diet plan you will experience diarrhea, anal leakage and various other side effects.

Alli is proven to reduces 1 lb per week. In fact it unites with the fats in your body and excludes them from the digestive system, making it impossible to digest properly. On the other hand, it obstructs all those essential fats that the body needs to stay healthy. With all these different effects that can occur, it makes it important to consult your doctor before you start taking slimming pills.

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Posted by admin - December 13, 2015 at 10:08 am

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Does the Slimming World Diet Work?

The task of losing weight can sometimes seem impossible. It’s usually the beginners who have a hard time, but when you understand how to apply yourself in the right way, you will notice that it’s not as hard as it once seemed, nor as complicated. In fact once you know what to do and how to do it, your weight loss journey will be easier and more rewarding, but that’s if you choose the correct dieting plan.

So basically the main problem that most of us face today isn’t that we don’t know how to achieve weight loss but rather, we don’t know the right diet methods. I’m pretty sure you’ve already come across dozens of dieting plans. And most of them aren’t very helpful. So not every diet plan will work for you, trust me you do not want to waste time and effort on diet plans that won’t work.

A lot of time people are distracted with junk food, or they place themselves in an unhelpful environment. For example “junk food”, I personally think this is one of the biggest issues that hold people back from succeeding. We are always bombarded with junk food ads on TV, newspaper, billboards and online ads. And for some people it’s much harder to fight the temptation so they end up giving in.

When you think about it we are what we eat. Food is important because we need it for energy and food also helps repair and build tissues and supply them to control body functions. The basic groups of nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and not forgetting water. Eating healthy food and doing regular exercises will help keep you in good healthy shape.

The Slimming World diet program, ‘Food Optimising’ is a “flexible, and yet empowering, permissive approach towards healthy eating”. It doesn’t really involve weighing, measuring and including calorie counting. The concept of Food Optimising is supposedly based on the scientific principles of satiety and energy density, and encourages people to eat low energy dense foods to satisfy the appetite.

With Food Optimising you can have unlimited choices of many ‘Free Foods’ For example lean meat, fish and poultry, pasta, rice and grains, vegetables and fruits, which you can eat freely. To make sure your diet is balanced, daily portions of healthy snacks are exceptional, like bread, cereals, and low fat dairy products such as cottage cheese and skimmed milk.

Food Optimising has a range of dieting plans, which you can apply to your daily dieting routines. Take a look at the following:

• ‘Original plan’: fruits and vegetables, fish, lean meat, poultry and eggs. Healthy snacks include bread, cereals, low fat dairy products, carbohydrates like wholemeal pasta, potatoes, grains and beans.
• ‘Green plan’: fruits and vegetables, pasta, rice, potatoes, grains and eggs. Healthy snacks include bread, cereals, cheese, milk and protein such as lean meat, poultry and fish.
• ‘Extra Easy plan’: Launched in Jan 09, this easy to follow plan merges the Free Foods of Green and Original plan, giving you a wider variety of Free Foods.

The Slimming World diet program also encourages regular exercising through its ‘Body Magic’ program. The purpose of this program is to introduce exercising at a gentle pace, like getting off the bus a stop early a few times a week, or walking up two flights of stairs instead of riding the lift, then on finding forms of exercising which you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle.

Related Health Article: Where to buy acai berry

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Posted by admin - December 2, 2015 at 6:01 am

Categories: Slimming   Tags: , , ,

Slimming Groups – Yes Or No?

So you’ve decided its time to lose weight, but where do you start? I can guarantee it won’t be long before you ask yourself the question – Do I opt to join a slimming group or do I go it alone?

Firstly, you need to take into consideration what type of person you are. If you are a people person and you enjoy the company of others then a slimming group could definitely help you achieve the weight loss you desire. However, if you are more of a loner and prefer your own company to that of others then you may find these groups less enjoyable and could soon lose the motivation you need.

Groups such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers and Rosemary Conley (to name but a few) are all designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals through an already established and proven diet and exercise plan. You are given a programme to follow and attend weekly meetings to ‘weigh in’ and discuss topics within the group. To me, the positive aspects to joining a slimming group are that you are on your weight loss journey with other, like minded people, and are sharing your experiences with people who understand what you are going through. For some, attending a slimming group is a way to socialise with others and express their feelings (be it happiness or frustration) with people who they know will understand.

Joining a group may help to give you more focus. Just the fact that you have someone else to answer to regarding your weight loss results, instead of just answering to yourself, may be all the motivation you need. For others, the fact that you have paid your hard earned money to attend a group in the first place could spur you on more than just ‘going it alone’ would. Although to some this is a positive point to bare in mind, to others, having to pay a fee every week/month could be a negative aspect and this needs to be taken into consideration when deciding which route to take. Also, the dreaded weekly ‘weigh in’ and the worry of what other members of the group may think of you/your progress may be too much pressure for some.

Trying to lose weight is a very challenging task, whichever route you decide to take. Maybe you will need to try both of these methods before you find the one that’s right for you. You will find it very difficult to achieve your weight loss goals if you are uncomfortable with the way you are doing it or are not motivated enough when the going gets tough, so experiment until you find something you are happy with.

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Posted by admin - November 25, 2015 at 3:26 am

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