Posts tagged "Groups"

Slimming Groups – Yes Or No?

So you’ve decided its time to lose weight, but where do you start? I can guarantee it won’t be long before you ask yourself the question – Do I opt to join a slimming group or do I go it alone?

Firstly, you need to take into consideration what type of person you are. If you are a people person and you enjoy the company of others then a slimming group could definitely help you achieve the weight loss you desire. However, if you are more of a loner and prefer your own company to that of others then you may find these groups less enjoyable and could soon lose the motivation you need.

Groups such as Slimming World, Weight Watchers and Rosemary Conley (to name but a few) are all designed to help you achieve your weight loss goals through an already established and proven diet and exercise plan. You are given a programme to follow and attend weekly meetings to ‘weigh in’ and discuss topics within the group. To me, the positive aspects to joining a slimming group are that you are on your weight loss journey with other, like minded people, and are sharing your experiences with people who understand what you are going through. For some, attending a slimming group is a way to socialise with others and express their feelings (be it happiness or frustration) with people who they know will understand.

Joining a group may help to give you more focus. Just the fact that you have someone else to answer to regarding your weight loss results, instead of just answering to yourself, may be all the motivation you need. For others, the fact that you have paid your hard earned money to attend a group in the first place could spur you on more than just ‘going it alone’ would. Although to some this is a positive point to bare in mind, to others, having to pay a fee every week/month could be a negative aspect and this needs to be taken into consideration when deciding which route to take. Also, the dreaded weekly ‘weigh in’ and the worry of what other members of the group may think of you/your progress may be too much pressure for some.

Trying to lose weight is a very challenging task, whichever route you decide to take. Maybe you will need to try both of these methods before you find the one that’s right for you. You will find it very difficult to achieve your weight loss goals if you are uncomfortable with the way you are doing it or are not motivated enough when the going gets tough, so experiment until you find something you are happy with.

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Posted by admin - November 25, 2015 at 3:26 am

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