Posts tagged "Herbs"

Useful Natural Weight Loss Slimming Herbs

Being overweight is a chronic problem these days. We most of the time think that those extra pounds on us are an appearance issue. But actually being overweight is more of a medical issue because it may affect your health adversely. Being overweight not only makes you diabetic or a cardiac patient as you commonly know but also may have serious impact on your mood, sleep, joint, breathing, and energy levels. So the quality of your whole life is affected if you are an overweight person. People are now recognizing being overweight or obese as a health concern. Thanks to the various health magazines and fitness programs! So a number of weight loss techniques have come up these days. Many people are trying herbal weight loss remedies at present. If you are looking for natural weight loss slimming herbs, then this article will prove useful for you.

The Slimming Herbs:

Mother Nature has in her storehouse numerous miracle herbs that can shape you down amazingly. These herbs will burn the fat stored in your body and will give you the figure of your dreams in no time. Figura and Slim-N-Trim capsules are two popular natural weight loss slimming pills. Let’s have a look at the herbs:

1. Garcinia is a fruit high in an acid called hydroxy citric acid that decreases the body’s rate of converting carbohydrates in to fat. Therefore you store less fat. Also the fruit accelerates the body’s basal metabolic rate and prevents the loss of lean muscle mass.

2. Areaca Catechu is a herb that allows speedy fat metabolism, reduces conversion of carbohydrates in to fat and checks false appetite. It is an effective slimming herb.

3. Aloe Vera herb is one of the natural weight loss slimming herbs.

4. Indian gooseberry is also an effective slimming herb.

5. Gugglu expedites fat metabolism and helps you get rid of those extra pounds.

6. Dandelion a diuretic herb is a good weight loss solution.

7. Green tea is a rich source of antioxidants. Drink green tea twice or thrice during and watch yourself slimming down.

8. Psyllium acts as an appetite suppressant. You will eat fewer calories and thereby store less fat.

9. Siberian ginseng is another of the natural fat loss slimming herbs that works amazingly.

10. Bitter orange is an effective slimming herb that makes you lose weight by speeding the fat burning rate within your body.

11. Certain spicy herbs like cayenne, mustard and black pepper can help you a lot in your weight loss venture.

So these are some important natural weight loss slimming herbs.

Read about Fat Loss Slimming Pills.

Peter Naruka

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Posted by admin - October 24, 2015 at 3:35 pm

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Diet Herbs

I housands of herbs are available worldwide for a dizzying array of diseases and disorders. And consumers are sold on them: A recent survey found that one in three people spends an average of $ 54 a year on herbal remedies.

Without question, herbs do work wonders in treating many illnesses and improving health. But herbal medicine has a far less effective track record when it comes to weight control. Only one herb ephedra is believed to directly promote fat-burning, but its dangerous side effects make it unsafe and unwise to use.

There is one particular aspect of your weight you can control to some extent by supplementing with herbs, and that is water weight. Let’s say you weigh 150 pounds. About ninety of those pounds are water; thirty are fat. The rest is lean tissue muscles, organs, and bones. So normally, most of your body weight is water. Sometimes you may retain water. You look and feel fat, even though you may have lost a significant amount of body fat. Some days, you can’t even fit into clothes you wore the week before!

Puffiness does masquerade as pudge. Disheartening and uncomfortable, periodic bouts of water retention, medically known as edema, may be the result of any number of factors: excess sodium in the diet, food allergies, premenstrual changes, hormone imbalances, a hot climate, and kidney or heart disease. If you’re chronically plagued by edema, have it checked out by your doctor.

You can lose some of that fluid by taking a prescription “water pill” (diuretic) or by forcing yourself to sweat in a sauna or steam bath. Neither is a good idea, though, because they can lead to life-threatening dehydration and mineral imbalances.

Some herbs, however, may offer a gentler solution. Most of the herbs promoted for weight loss are diuretics agents that cause the kidneys to draw extra water from the blood into the urine and stimulate the excretion of water. This action promotes temporary water loss. There’s certainly nothing wrong with regulating water weight by using herbs, as long as you use them on a short-term basis and with the full knowledge of your physician. In most cases, herbal diuretics are safer than their prescription counterparts. But long-term use of either can flush vital nutrients from the body and cause irreparable harm.

Other weight-loss herbs are really nothing more than laxatives, which also force water from the body. It’s much healthier to follow a high-fiber diet and drink plenty of pure water daily than to rely on laxatives for elimination. Prolonged used of laxatives and diuretics, even natural ones, can lead to dependence and serious health problems.

What follows is a discussion of forty-three herbs commonly promoted as diet aids. In most cases, these herbs are found in natural weight-loss supplements in minute amounts, mainly as fillers. In others, they are single-or multiherb formulas, available as capsules, compressed tablets, liquids, extracts, or teas. It’s a good practice to read the list of ingredients on any natural weight-loss supplement carefully. The information below will help you make informed decisions about specific products.

Georgiy Kharchenko – herbal products, caffeine weight loss, fastin weight loss pills

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Posted by admin - September 30, 2015 at 6:30 am

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Natural Weight Loss Slimming Herbs

Intake of slimming herbs is the best natural treatment for reducing body weight. It can be described as the safest and the effective technique for those who wish to reduce their body weight. At present, there are several herbal remedies available in market in the form of teas, powders and as liquid extracts. Active ingredients present in slimming herb helps in reducing flab and increasing your energy. Apart from reducing body weight, intake of slimming herbs also helps in increasing memory, moods and mental well being of person. While consuming best natural weight loss slimming herbs, there is no diet restriction. It is a safe way to achieve fat loss from waist, abdomen, buttocks and necks. Attaining satisfactory results with zero side effects is one of the main advantages of using natural weight loss slimming herbs. It helps in producing quick results without retarding the elasticity of skin surface. Following are some among the natural weight loss slimming herbs recommended by health practitioners.

Guarana is one among the widely suggested natural slimming herbs for weight loss. This stimulant for weight loss increases mental alert, fights fatigue and improves the physical stamina of person. Guarana is equipped with high level of caffeine concentration. As per studies, it is said to possess three times the amount of caffeine as coffee. Today, guarana is an active ingredient used in weight loss pill. Some among the compounds present in guarana like tannins, xanthine alkaloids theophylline and theobromine improves the over all wellbeing of person. It is also advised to use guarana supplements with the advice of doctors. Also, it should not be taken with any products containing ephedra. Greater decrease in hip circumferences and lowering of serum triglyceride levels are other advantages of using guarana herb.

Ginger root, a common ingredient in herbal medicine is a natural weight loss slimming herb prescribed by physicians. According to studies, it is found that intake of ginger root can reduce the amount of triglyceride level and decrease LDL cholesterol level. It is a good health tonic for improving the heart function. It prevents indigestion and prevents the formation of abdominal cramping. Lowering of LDL cholesterol, alleviating high blood pressure and boosting the immunity of person are other health benefits of consuming ginger root.

Dandelion root is an effective herbal remedy used for weight loss or slimming. It has been used for centuries for the preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Diuretic property enriched in dandelion root helps in reducing water weight of person. This weight loss aid also helps in regulating blood sugar level and improving fat metabolism of body. Other advantages of using dandelion roots include preventing bladder infection, curing anemia, preventing constipation and curing indigestion.

White willow bark, enriched with salicin is a natural weight loss slimming herb. White willow bark, when combined with other herbal supplements helps in increasing the thermogenic activity of body. It is an effective herbal cure for improving fat metabolism. Other common uses of consuming white willow bark include relieving pain, reducing arthritis inflammation, improving fat metabolism and maintaining hormonal balance. Slim-N-Trim is the latest revolution in the field of herbal slimming products. It is the outcome of intense research and clinical studies and offers excellent results in losing stubborn body fat.

Read about effective Herbal Slimming Pills. Also know how Herbal Fat Loss Pills help you lose stubborn fat. Read about Herbal Treatment for Acne.

Jeramey Thompson

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Posted by admin - May 16, 2015 at 3:26 am

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