
Teen Weight Loss Formula

More and more teens these days are either a bit overweight or in real danger of becoming morbidly obese. They did not gain weight overnight and consequently they will not lose weight overnight either.

Although there are many ways to strip unwanted fat such as diet programs, diet pills, fat camps and so on, the best way to lose weight will always be through healthy eating and regular exercise. Here I am going to focus on the exercise part of the deal.

Exercise boosts a teens’ stamina and as this develops, it will speed up their metabolism as well. The end result of this is a chain reaction where the body now burns more calories than it did before causing the unwanted fat to drop off.

Studies have shown that provided there are no underlying health problems, there is no apparent downside to properly performed regular exercise. The worst that can happen is perhaps pulling a muscle by failing to stretch, or not leaving enough time for recovery before taking part in another session.

Teens don’t even have to spend a lot to lose weight as there are some exercises which can be done from home. For example, after stretching, of course, they can try some brisk walking or an early morning jog. Then there are sit ups and push ups or even just going up and down the stairs if they have them. Not the most glamorous methods I’ll agree but they’re cheap and they’ll certainly burn the calories.

If a teen has some money to spare they could always join a gym. Any gym worth its salt will have fitness trainers who will help the teen lose weight by working with them on a one to one basis and devising a program that suits their own individual needs and abilities.

Teens who don’t have the money to hire a personal trainer can work out themselves once they know how to use the gym. Alternatively, they could join a class such as aerobics, tai chi or yoga.

Teens who are a bit self conscious around other people but who would still like to enjoy these activities could get one of the many DVD’s available in any good store.

It is vital while exercising to drink lots of water. A general guide is 2 litres a day. Those who don’t may suffer from heatstroke or dehydration, the latter of which is bad news for someone trying to lose weight.

Before taking on any exercise program it is advisable to see a doctor. Teens having the confident mindset that they do will feel like they can achieve anything, but their bodies may not be up to it. It’s always best to do things slowly but surely at first and then gather momentum as time progresses.

If the teen is attending a school or college they may have access to sports facilities and exercise equipment. This is an ideal way of saving money whilst being able to participate in either organised sports or casual classes.

Healthy eating and a good diet are essential to any weight loss program but are rendered ineffective without the inclusion of regular exercise.

Remember this formula:- eat healthily + exercise well = lose weight.

Article Source: http://ezineseeker.com/?expert=Ian_Russell

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Posted by admin - December 4, 2015 at 6:44 am

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Weight Loss Formula

Many people just think of weight loss as just losing weight but there’s so much more involved with it. Metabolism in order to be successful at losing weight you need to have a fast metabolism rate it will help you lose weight quicker and burn more fat.

What is the difference between slow and fast metabolism rates?

A slow metabolism rate means a person burns fewer calories and will gain more weight and body fat over time whereas a person with a fast metabolism is able to burn more calories and lessen the amount of the weight you gain and will be able to keep a leaner figure.

How do you get that faster metabolism rate?

Well there are certain things you can do to improve your metabolism for example exercise can make a big difference being more active will help you burn more fat and calories quicker but will also help whilst resting and sleeping you will still burn more calories because your basic metabolism rate is high. But just becoming more active will help overall and losing weight will also increase your bmr because the more body fat that is stored it lessens the rate.

What causes a slower metabolism rate?

You’ve heard the saying breakfast is the most important meal of the day well its true believe me skipping meals does not help it only slows it down and you gain more weight from personal experience i’ve tried skipping meals thinking the more i don’t eat the more weight i will lose its the wrong direction to go in you will get opposite results to what you want. Eating throughout the day will help because your metabolism is ongoing just snacking briefly between meals.

3 Basic Rules of building a better metabolism rate

– Don’t skip meals eat 5 small meals a day and snack between meals healthy snacks for example fruit.
– Become more active and exercise even by just doing simple things cleaning the house, walking the dog, hoovering and walking instead of driving will help and make a big difference.
– Exercising around morning will get you off to a good metabolism rate throughout the day.

Weight loss is such a big topic and so many people are wanting to lose weight and there wanting to lose weight the quickest way they can but building up a good metabolism rate is the first step to being successful at losing weight a slow one is whats stopping us from losing weight but gaining more.

Find out more by going to http://www.yourweightlossformula.com

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Posted by admin - November 27, 2015 at 4:12 am

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Obesity Weight Loss

Presence of fat in our body helps in storing energy, heat insulation and absorption of shock. The percentage of weight of body fat of an average healthy individual would consist of 25% to 39% while that of a woman is 18% to 23 %. A man having percentage of body fat of over 30 or a woman with over 25% of fat content of the total body weight is known to be obese.

Obesity can also be measured with the help of the BMI. The BMI or the Basal Metabolic Index is calculated by dividing the weight of the body by the square of the height of the individual. If the BMI of a person is more than 30 then he or she is declared to be suffering from obesity. The following are some obesity weight loss tips that would help you to get rid of the disease called obesity.

Effective Tips for Obesity Weight Loss

The incidence of obesity has reached to an endemic level in USA. Reports say that one in every three individual in America is obese. You may make use of the following tips proposed by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Dietary guidelines for all Americans.

• Focus on eating fruits. Fruits can be of any types including fresh, canned, frozen or dried.
• Eat variety of vegetables like dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, kale and such. You should also include orange veggies like the sweet potatoes, carrots, winter quash, pumpkin and beans and peas like the kidney beans, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, Lentils, split beans and such.
• Calcium rich food items like the low fat or fat free milk, low yogurt or fat free cheese should be taken in balanced proportion.
• Go for whole grain cereals like the crackers, rice, pasta and such.
• Choose protein rich items like the lean meats, poultry, fish, peanuts, beans and seeds.
• Consume food that consists of unsaturated fat. The items like fish, nuts and vegetable oils should be eaten for unsaturated fats.
• Limit intake of salt. Do not consume more than 2,300 mg of sodium or one teaspoon full of salt per day.

Apart from having a balanced diet, a regular schedule of exercise is also necessary. A short session of brisk walking or running is also quite useful for reducing weight. You may also try with some free hand exercises prescribed by your fitness trainer. Drink plenty of water each day as that would detoxify your body.

Jennifer Lawson, an expert in weight loss is associated with many weight reduction programs. She also provides effective weight loss tips that would reduce weight safely. You may look out for a good medical guide in order to know about obesity weight loss.

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Posted by admin - November 8, 2015 at 9:15 pm

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